Haleakala (multilingue) – $38 taxes incluses
2 joueurs:
Dans Haleakala, vous devez honorer la tradition de vos ancêtres en construisant des statues autour d’un volcan hawaiien. Le plus prêt du cratère vous érigez vos œuvres, le plus de valeur elles prennent, mais attention : la prochaine éruption volcanique pourrait bien réduire votre travail en cendres !
En naviguant autour de l’ile, essayez de prédire là où la lave fera le moins de dégâts.
Construisez vos statues aux endroits favorisés par les cartes de score.
Un jeu simple, mais enlevant, qui mène à une intense confrontation !
In the two-player-game Haus der Sonne, players are building statues on the slopes of a volcano to honor their gods. The higher the statues are built up the volcano the more they score in one of the two scoring phases, but of course the closer they are build towards the crater the danger of being destroyed by volcanic eruption is higher as well.
By playing numbered chips (1-5) to the beach, you move a ship clockwise. The sector in which the ship is moved will be evaluated. If a player has placed a numbered chip into this sector, he may gain a card from this sector. Cards are required to build statues, buy bonus score cards or to influence the direction of the lava when the volcano finally errupts (two times in the game – right before an evaluation).
Détails supplémentaires: Version multilingue - Filosofia - Disponible