Résultats de la recherche: Jeux solo
Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade – $32 taxes incluses
1-4 players: In Super-Skill Pinball: 4-Cade, Geoff Engelstein brings the arcade classic to the tabletop with art, atmosphere, and roll-and-write mechanisms. Choose one of the four unique tables and matching backglass for scorekeeping, then roll a shared pair of dice and get the pinballs rolling! You’ll select one of the two die results, then move your … … [Voir les détails]
Under Falling Skies – $36 taxes incluses
1 player: Aliens have arrived to conquer Earth. Enemy ships fill the skies. Humanity retreats to underground bunkers located below cities across the globe. Stand against the common threat! Fight the invaders city by city. Build a team from around the globe to save your planet and defeat the aliens!
Seastead – $37 taxes incluses
1-2 players: On an ocean world, even enemies must play fair. You and your rival compete for control of the four flotillas, the last remnant of old Earth. Strike cunning deals, build stable ground, and clean the ocean. Then, you will truly lead Seastead! With the survival of humanity in the balance, sabotaging your rival … … [Voir les détails]
Coffee Roaster – $47 taxes incluses (demandez la dispo de cet item avant de payer)
1 player: Coffee Roaster is a solitaire pool-building game. You choose a variety of coffee beans you want to roast, and put a number of tokens specific to that variety into a bag. Each turn, you draw a number of bean tokens randomly from the bag to advance their roast level. When you are finished, you … … [Voir les détails]
Palm Island (VF) – $18 taxes incluses (demandez la dispo de cet item avant de payer)
1-2 joueurs: En utilisant un paquet de seulement 17 cartes, vous améliorerez et transformerez votre village avec vos cartes pour gagner plus de ressources, de capacités et de points de victoire. Une partie dure 8 tours. Dans Palm Island, vous manipulez les 17 cartes dans votre main a n de produire des ressources, que vous … … [Voir les détails]
Le Défi de la Reine – $44 taxes incluses
1 joueurs: Maia Cœur-Ardent est seule face au reste du monde. Suite à un complot ourdi par des conspirateurs, elle se retrouve accusée du meurtre de sa propre mère, la Reine du Soleil. Pour prouver son innocence et reconquérir sa place, Maia doit descendre dans l’Arène du Grand Défi et affronter ses ennemis. La future … … [Voir les détails]
In the Hall of the Mountain King (std ed) – $56 taxes incluses
1-5 players: Play as trolls rebuilding your abandoned kingdom under the mountain in In the Hall of the Mountain King. With muscle and magic, you’ll unearth riches, dig out collapsed tunnels, and carve out great halls as you raise the toppled statues of your ancestors to their places of honor at the heart of the mountain. … … [Voir les détails]
Nevsky – $89 taxes incluses Épuisé
1-2 players: Nevsky: Teutons and Rus in Collision, 1240-1242 is a board wargame about the storied clash between Latin Teutonic and Orthodox Russian powers along the Baltic frontier of the mid-13th-Century. It is the first volume in GMT Games’ Levy & Campaign Series portraying military operations in a variety of pre-industrial conflicts. In Nevsky, players … … [Voir les détails]
Proving Grounds – $38 taxes incluses
1 player: Maia Strongheart stands alone against the world. A cabal of conspirators has framed her for the death of her own mother, the Sun Queen, and they intend to usurp the throne from her family. To prove her own innocence and reclaim her birthright, Maia must step into the proving grounds to complete a … … [Voir les détails]
Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write – $33 taxes incluses
1-4 players: Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write is a standalone game set in the universe of Imperial Settlers and Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North. The game is heavily focused on engine building! Constructing buildings grants you a special bonus, and with each passing turn the game offers you more choices as your empire gains momentum. Imperial Settlers: Roll … … [Voir les détails]
Hex Roller – $20 taxes incluses
1-8 players: HexRoller is a roll-and-write game in which each round players draft two of the dice rolled, then fill in spaces on a hexagonal grid, attempting to both complete regions and create lines of identical numbers in order to maximize their score. Who can use their bonuses at the right time to zoom into the … … [Voir les détails]
Goblivion (multilingue) – $45 taxes incluses Épuisé
1-2 joueurs: Goblivion est un jeu de cartes solo ou coopératif qui a pour cadre le siège d’un château. Les joueurs font équipe contre le jeu pour se défendre d’une attaque de gobelins et de trolls. Votre survie passe par l’entraînement de vos paysans au combat. Au gré des cartes qui s’offriront à vous, vous … … [Voir les détails]
Arkham Noir – Affaire n°1 : Les Meurtres du Culte des Sorcières – $24.50 taxes incluses Épuisé
La nuit de Walpurgis est un vrai cauchemar dans Arkham, ville hantée par les sorcières. Il y a régulièrement de sinistres incidents et il n’est pas rare qu’un ou deux enfants disparaissent fréquemment. Cette année, des étudiants de l’Université Miskatonic engagés dans des études occultes ont été retrouvés morts. La police d’Arkham, en raison de … … [Voir les détails]
Cuba Libre (3rd print) – $74 taxes incluses. Épuisé
1-4 player: In December 1956, paroled rebel Fidel Castro returned to Cuba to launch his revolution with virtually no political base and—after a disastrous initial encounter with government forces—a total of just 12 men. Two years later, through masterful propaganda and factional maneuver, Castro, his brother Raúl, and iconic revolutionary Che Guevara had united disparate … … [Voir les détails]
Négociateur : Prise d’Otages – $44 taxes incluses
Négociateur : Prise d’Otages est un jeu de cartes qui se joue aussi bien en solitaire qu’à plusieurs, si vous arrivez à vous mettre d’accord sur la meilleure stratégie à aborder ! Vous interprétez le rôle d’un négociateur et avez la lourde charge de parlementer avec un preneur d’otages prêt à tout pour arriver à ses … … [Voir les détails]
Choose Your Own Adventure – House of Danger – $32 taxes incluses
The classic Choose Your Own Adventure series comes to life in this new narrative adventure game. Will you survive the House of Danger? Discover a thrilling adventure investigating criminal activity and a dark history in your town. Haunted by the mystery of the missing owner of the Marsden mansion, you decide to take the case … … [Voir les détails]
Summit: The Board Game – $67 taxes incluses
1-6 players: Summit: The Board Game is a survival game which, thanks to its two-sided game board and variable mechanisms, can be played competitively, cooperatively or solo. In a competitive game, players race up and down the deadly mountain while managing their resources, building their path, overcoming obstacles, and attempting to survive their competition. Summit uses a unique … … [Voir les détails]
Hostage Negotiator – $29 taxes incluses
1 player: In Hostage Negotiator, you play the part of a law enforcement agent responsible for negotiating the release of hostages taken by an unscrupulous figure hell-bent on having his or her demands met. Each turn in the game represents a conversation between you and the hostage taker. You’ll play cards and roll dice to … … [Voir les détails]
Mage Knight Board Game: Krang Character Expansion – $22 taxes incluses (demandez la dispo de cet item avant de payer)
Krang is here! Let Chaos reign! The Mage Knight Board Game: Krang Character Expansion includes all that players need to add Krang, the mysterious and dangerous Orc Chaos Shaman, as a new playable character to the Mage Knight Board Game, including his prepainted miniature, unique starting cards, and skill tokens.
Agricola (revised edition 2016) – $74 taxes incluses.
2-6 players: This base game of Agricola is the newest revision of the game. The base game has been revised and updated by its creator, Uwe Rosenberg, for 1-4 players. It features improved, all-wood components and a revised and expanded card deck drawn from the original game and its expansions, all newly updated for this … … [Voir les détails]
Neanderthal – $38 taxes incluses Épuisé
1-3 players: It’s 43,000 BC in Ice Age Europe, the dawn of modern man. In Neanderthal, you are one of three human species: Archaic, Neanderthal, or Cro-Magnon. Assign your males to hunt Pleistocene megafauna, but try to avoid being eaten by predators. Assign your women for teaching your children vocabulary, leading to cognitive fluidity in … … [Voir les détails]
Mistfall – $67 taxes incluses
1-4 players: Mistfall is a fully co-operative adventure game set in a fantasy world of mystery, eldritch powers and high adventure. At the start of the game each player chooses a hero with a fixed deck of equipment and power cards, before embarking on a dangerous journey through a set of monster-ridden locations. Each hero … … [Voir les détails]
Freedom: The Underground Railroad – $74 taxes incluses. (demandez la dispo de cet item avant de payer) Épuisé
1-4 players: Early in the history of the United States, slavery was an institution that seemed unmovable but with efforts of men and women across the country, it was toppled. In Freedom: The Underground Railroad, players are working to build up the strength of the Abolitionist movement through the use of notable figures and pivotal events. … … [Voir les détails]
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords – The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck – $24 taxes incluses
Uncover a mystery fraught with ravenous ghouls, age-old hauntings, foul cultists, and worse with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck (a.k.a., Rise of the Runelords – Adventure Deck 2). This 110-card expansion to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Base Set includes new locations, monsters, villains, loot, and more, as well as five … … [Voir les détails]
Dungeon Roll – $22 taxes incluses Épuisé
The Dungeon lies before you; you’ve assembled your party of hearty adventurers and have a few tricks up your sleeve. How far will you go to seek glory and fame? Will you risk losing everything? In Dungeon Roll the player’s goal is to collect the most experience points by defeating monsters, battling the dragon, and amassing treasure. … … [Voir les détails]
Asgard’s Chosen – $37 taxes incluses.
1-4 players: It is the end of the Bronze Age! A new era begins. Only recently have you discovered how to extract iron from the ore in the peat bogs, and it’s best to use your new discovery before others use it against you. As a Teutonic lord, your duty is to ensure your family … … [Voir les détails]