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Brass: Birmingham – $89 taxes incluses

Brass: Birmingham
Mode de récupération:

2-4 players:

Brass: Birmingham is an economic strategy game sequel to Martin Wallace’ 2007 masterpiece, Brass. Birmingham tells the story of competing entrepreneurs in Birmingham during the industrial revolution, between the years of 1770-1870.

As in its predecessor, you must develop, build, and establish your industries and network, in an effort to exploit low or high market demands.

Each round, players take turns according to the turn order track, receiving two actions to perform any of the following actions (found in the original game):

1) Build – Pay required resources and place an industry tile.
2) Network – Add a rail / canal link, expanding your network.
3) Develop – Increase the VP value of an industry.
4) Sell – Sell your cotton, manufactured goods and pottery.
5) Loan – Take a £30 loan and reduce your income.

Brass: Birmingham also features a new sixth action:

6) Scout – Discard three cards and take a wild location and wild industry card. (This action replaces Double Action Build in original Brass.)

Détails supplémentaires: version anglaise - Roxley -

*Veuillez noter que la disponibilité sur les items très populaires ou moins récents peut changer à tout moment, ils nous faut vérifier les stocks chez nos distributeurs. Il est donc préférable pour ces jeux de nous écrire avant de payer pour être sure de leurs disponibilités.